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zachary weiss

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i really enjoy traveling the world, as i'm able to explore new cultures and just kinda wander around and explore. some of my favorite travel experiences are just being lost and confused in a new city and finding some cool stuff!

during my junior year of college, i studied abroad in madrid, spain at universidad pontificia comillas where i took general engineering electives.

going into thanksgiving break of my senior year, one of my friends off-handedly mentioned that he was going on a trip to asia during the time between he finishes college and begins working fulltime. three days later, i had the trip booked and was joining him for part of his time in asia! i'm embarking on this trip in january 2024, and i plan on going to japan, vietnam, cambodia, and sigapore (see photos from that trip here).


one of my favorite foods are fries! i think that they such a basic food, yet everyone has their own interpretation of them and they are very versatile.

since 2020, i've been blogging about all of the fries that i try on a instagram account blog, @mr.fry.guy, and i've reviewed ~80 fries to date, and tried many more.

my favorite style of fries are boardwalk style fries due to their balance between crispyness and flavor. the photo to the left, shows my favorite fries that i've tried from wurstküche in venice, ca

photo from my interhsip in seattle